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Google My Business How to Setup, Why to Setup and What’s Changed

Aug 13,2019 | Jeff Jensen

Google My Business became 25% of your SEO rankings at the end of 2018. So it’s never been more important to have a listing and build it out.

The video below helps you setup an account. Both for new users and for those managing several pages.


Steps for setting up a Google my business are to type Google My Business into Google or click here. If you are adding a business fill out the step by step form. Type in your business name here:

If your business name comes up select it to claim. If not select the create a business with this name.

If you selected a business from the list then select Manage Now.

If you are creating a business follow the form by typing in your businesses name. Then whether or not you want your location to show up for customers to see.

Where you serve your customers is an optional section. Select the region that your business is based out of is dependent on where you want to draw customers from. Ex: If I serve a city versus a county or the whole country matters.

Next type in the business category that best describes your business. You may need to type in something tertiary if your exact business doesn’t come up at first.

Put in your phone number and website. Finally, just select finish if everything looks right. For a new business that you don’t manage other locations. You will have to wait for a code sent in the mail from Google.