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Why Use Facebook Business Manager?

Aug 13,2018 | Jeff Jensen

Why Use Facebook Business Manager? The control and functionality enhancements in Facebook Business Manger make your Facebook business ad accounts and business settings better and allow you to increase performance.

The the top 11 benefits of Facebook Business Manager are:

  • Get access to Pages and ad accounts without being friends with your coworkers on Facebook.
  • More securely share and control access to their ad accounts, Pages and other assets on Facebook.
  • No more shared logins and changing passwords.
  • Easily add employees and agencies to your account.
  • Easily remove employees and agencies to your account.
  • Grant different permission levels based on business objectives.
  • Manage multiple Pages and ad accounts from one Business Manager.
  • Stay organized by grouping your Pages and accounts into projects.
  • Create more collaboration opportunities within your team.
  • All accounts in one place for the best management.
  • Advanced ads with selling products directly linked to the account.

Giving access to people just based on their email is a huge benefit of Facebook business manager and you can add the whole team really easily with different permission levels and have access to the page, but not the ad account or whatever you want. You can manage dozens of pages per account and several accounts.

Everyone on the team can see everything that you are working on from post drafts to ads. The benefits far outweigh the cons, but here are the top cons from my experience.

  • Learning Curve
  • Software glitches
  • Drafts that can’t be shared unless published
  • Need People to Confirm to have access to the account

The Learning Curve is very large, I consider myself a tech person at least in reference to figuring out problems not coding. I still think Facebook’s User Experience could be more intuitive and have fewer glitches. One of my favorite responses from the team was that they knew about the error and were sorry about my troubles. It didn’t say they were working on it, that it would be fixed, etc.

Some issues with Facebook Business Manager that are part of the learning curve is that drafts of ads can’t be shared like posts and people need to confirm their account, which if they don’t know how to check can be an issue getting new people on.m

From here you can start setting up your account and here is a video to help.